Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Unit 1 #7 The Adventures of Daniel Boone

I learned that they had a hard life and that to survive they had to trade with Indians and they made there way to Kentucky. But then they were left in a dangerous situation where they were surrounded by hostile savages. Then John Stewart was killed by a bunch of savages.
And Daniel Boone mentioned that his brother had returned home finally to the settlement by himself for some horses and ammunition. And I think he’s brother is wrong for leaving him by himself without bread, salt, or sugar. How the Indians turned on then and they attacked half of the people six had died and one was wounded.
And I also noticed that Daniel Boone had collected a number of men that were well armed.
And he then began to proceed with his expedition. I think there life was pretty ruff and they didn’t really have any choice but to survive and keep on with there adventure words also sounded kind of shocking in the adventure of Daniel Boone. So many victims and tender women and helpless children were put to cruelty because of the savage treatment they had received afterwards was very shocking to the humanity.

The only thing I think they have in common is probably the fact that they can travel to different places.

People today are driving or catching buses to different locations unlike back then they walked and rode on ships.

1 comment:

  1. Ok. I can tell you read the document because you used many of the same terms as in the reading. I agree that life back then was much harder and seemed to be a constant adventure!

    Good details in this post. Some small errors that I can help you fix for maximum points. As is 26/30 points.
