Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Unit 5: Is it all about the money?

To be honest most people think its all about the money because like now everybody wants to play the lottery because they think if they would win they could bnuy a whole bunch of things that they really want but they really dont look at things like how homeless people need places to go and places to sleep. Like if i was a persont hat had alot of money i would atleast try to help out all of the people on the streets that dont have homes or jobs. So really i think it's really not all about the money i think its mainly about what you do with your money instead of using it all on yourselfes . But like there are stingy people that just think about thereselves and not the people that are hurting . So really it's not all about the money because money comes and goes.

1 comment:

  1. Thoughtful post. I like your point about what you do with the money is the important question.

    Please edit this post for errors. I would like to help you. As is 15/20 points.
